Saturday, August 1

Reflections from Breckenridge

I have two options right now. 1) I could tell you about the fun stuff from my family reunion I just came from. 2) I could get way too deep and philosophical about stuff that it would take the fun out of the week. I absolutely intend to do both in the next few posts.

I love my mother's family. The Carlsons. Boring name but fun family. This year we had our family reunion in Breckenridge, CO. We only have reunions every three years and this year it was put on by two of my cousins who live in Colorado. So I was pumped. 

Unfortunately though we only got four days. So on Monday I arrived in Breckenridge and saw the rest of my family, many of whom I hadn't seen in years. I saw all of my mother's siblings and then I saw some cousins and second cousins I haven't seen in years, if at all. Sadly I only have two cousins within five years of me. One is married with two kids and the other is still in college. As much as I love my family, it is hard to find a lot to do or know who to hang out with because of the lack of similarities between me and my family members. So my roommate came and hung out with us for a day too.

On Monday night we just sat around the pool and played some games and ate some barbecue stuff. We played a little trivia game and then we played the longest card game of my life. I didn't win.

Tuesday we went whitewater rafting in Buena Vista in the Arkansas River. During the ride three from our ride fell off during one of the worst rapids and I laughed.  But we finally made it to the end without losing anyone else. More on this tomorrow. After rafting we got back and went to the hot tub for a while and then we went out to eat.

Wednesday I got up and took some others on the alpine slides. That was a blast. Flying down a mountain in the summer on a little sled on a bobsled-like run can never be boring. After that I went golfing. It was my first time golfing in two years. I didn't play too horribly and my team one by one stroke. Then that night we went to a chuckwagon and listened to horrible cowboy music. And it was COLD!

Then on Thursday we all left. 

I had a blast though. Anytime I get to spend time with loved ones I will always have a blast. What a great vacation and a great time to getaway from stuff.

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