Tuesday, August 4

The Little Things

It's amazing how when one is in a difficult position or transition that it is always the little things that can change a day. I just got back from a wonderful time with family and now I want to do nothing but sit and sulk. And I don't really know why.

Being the guy that I am I am very self-analytical and so I always try to figure out why things are going on in my head. So right now I am trying to figure out why. And I can't. All I can figure is it is something little and insignificant. 

Before I have mentioned that stability is something I feel that I lack. My guess is that I felt a level of stability and security earlier in this week and now that sense of stability is gone. It just makes things hard.

All I can do is continue to remind myself that there are better days ahead of me. I know that God still has a plan and a purpose. I know that God is still grooming me and preparing me for something great. But on days like this it is hard to keep that in focus. It's just like trying to fight off the onset of depression everyday. But I know God is still here for me and my life is worth the fight.

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