Wednesday, June 4


One of the biggest tools the Enemy has against us is to cut off our joy. One of our joys is to dream, imagine, believe in something bigger than you.

This happened to me. At 23 I became a youth pastor. I was even quoted by a certain district superintendent in a message as "living the dream." And truth is that I was. A year later I went into a year-long depression. I have never been depressed in my life, I have always been the energetic, joy-giver, the person everyone loves to be around and the guy that will always make you alivee in some way. I was consumed with joy.

Then, after enough external criticism and dream-killing, I began to become even more overly critical on myself and others than I already was. Satan used this to take away my desire to dream for more - bigger, better, and just different.

I sank into my depression. Finally, through others (including myself and especially God) I realized that I was depressed. I began to force myself to do things to get out of it - especially prayer. Then, I began to dream again.

Sometimes dreams can be crazy, redundant, radical, and HUGE!!! All of this is OK. Continue to dream. Follow your dreams. But learn that not all dreams are to be followed.


Pastor Potter said...

I like the open heart message you just shared. I know what depression is all about. I went through it around 24 or so. It is such a great thing when you start dreaming again. That's one of my favorite things about being a pastor is dreaming. Don't let anyone, especially christians, kill your dream.

Anonymous said...

Great job, I look forward to reading it each day.