Wednesday, July 20

Wow. Over a year. Wow. In any of my past posts did I mention anything about struggling with consistency?

Anyway, I have some great reasons for not blogging for over a year, but now feel that it is time to start it up again.

I've learned a lot in the past year. I learned more about my struggles in life. I've also learned, as much as I wish it wasn't true, that coffee = inspiration for me. I have learned that I know what I love and I love what God has called me to do. And also, that depression comes when I sit around and watch a lot of TV and play a lot of video games (a.k.a. NCAA Football 12 - such a wonderful game)

I have some great things to talk about and so I will do my best to start with those. None of the least would be lessons learned/ing from the Bible, life, coaching, mentorship, and God. If you happen to stumble across this blogsite I hope you are encouraged and continue to read. In fact, give it to a few friends. I definitely write these things for myself, but it so encouraging to know that others are reading as well.

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