Wednesday, April 14

Twitter Account

About a year ago I joined Twitter and used it about 5 times. So I decided just the other day to go ahead and be more active on that account. My plan is to use that and Facebook a little more and hopefully get some more people to read this blog. And I don't do that because I want to be "popular." I do write this simply for me and if anyone else wants to read then that's great. But I really love the idea of putting my thoughts in the open to start discussion. I guess we can call it iron sharpening iron. I really do seek discussion on a lot of topics.

But one problem I'm having is that I can't get my tweets to come up on Facebook and that's important to me. For some reason whenever I try to get the app for Twitter it doesn't work. Any suggestions or fixes to the problem?


Pastor Potter said...

here is how you do it . I use tweetdeck for twitter most times, I really enjoy it.

Matt DeSmidt said...

Thanks Josh. Funny thing is that is what I was trying before and it wouldn't let me sign on, said it was the wrong sn or password, which is wasn't. So I found another facebook app and that is working for me. Yay!