Tuesday, April 13

The Key to Christianity

First of all I'm not a huge fan of the term "Christianity." Not because it isn't relevant or because it doesn't have good meaning. I just think it's become so broad and so general that it has come to fit too many things. I think I'm a little more of a fan of Christ-follower, Jesus lover, Jesus stalker, Christo-imitator, etc.

All that nonsense said I think the key to Christianity is brokenness.

I've talked about this before on here and I probably am not going to say anything incredibly new or insightful but I think that without brokenness we miss an incredibly huge point of following Christ. The main reason for my thought is this: Without brokenness, Christ cannot be Lord.

Think about it. One of my fav verses in the Bible is in Matthew 16. It is about taking up our cross and following. Those who save their life will lose it, but whoever loses his life will find it. The core of Christianity is following Christ and letting Him be in control. This cannot be done without brokenness, the act of saying God you and in control and I am not. Honestly, I hope everyone following Christ is daily praying for brokenness and humility because without it we are lost.

What are you thoughts?

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