Tuesday, September 1

Focus on This (Worship) pt 3

The second way that we need to show our love for God is to worship God.

We throw this word around a lot. I'm going to narrow it to something a little smaller in the context of loving God. Worship is a verb. It is something you do. DC Talk had a song called "Luv is a verb." Well, worship is a verb. It is something that we act out.

So we must act on our love for God to show that we love Him. Faith without works is dead, according to James that is, so worship without action is dead - that's what Matt said.

We need to not just act out our love for God in times of song "worship." But, I do think that is a great time to exercise our passion for God. But we need to act out our worship in church, in work, in play, with friends, at a barbecues. If you know me you know that I most certainly don't mean we have to wear WWJD bracelets everywhere and blast worship music day and night wherever we are. And we DEFINITELY don't have to write on poster boards how much  we love Jesus. But we do need to find a way to express our love Jesus in a way that is meaningful to God.

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