The Wind in an organization can be the life of an organization. When an organization has a good balance of Winds within it there can be some great things to happen. Winds are the ones that are always pushing for growth, change, and progress. A Wind cannot sit still and does not want to sit still. When an organization needs to move forward or is stuck in a rut it is the Wind that can take care of that. Winds jump to anything new and exciting. Winds can also move any of the other three elements to move and to change.
Winds in an organization bring life but if there are too many Winds or an improper balance of Winds then the organization can become far too flighty and meaningless. Every whim and every other thing that comes around will take the focus of the organization every three days. Winds can be great leaders once they learn to tame their whims and they can be great in any organization. Winds are an important asset that are muffled too often or else there are too many around to be used vitally.
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