What I want to know today is have you ever felt like Joseph?
Joseph was lucky enough to have everything around collapse and turn on him. His brothers were going to kill him but sold him into slavery instead. Sweet. Then he worked his way up in Potiphar's house doing everything well, until he wouldn't sleep with the Mrs. and got thrown into prison. Interpreted dreams while in prison only to be forgotten.
But despite all of the bad things that happened, have you ever looked at the good things? Everything Joseph touched turned to gold! Was his father's favorite son (That deserves a shout out to Rebekah his mother!) As a slave became Potiphar's right hand man. As a prisoner became the "top inmate" if you will. Was dug out of prison to become the Pharoah's right hand man. Then his dream came true and he was reunited with his father and family.
For those of you that know me there is a phrase that has often been used in my direction. "Only you, Matt!" "Matt, how do you get away with these things?" Other such remarks have been made as well. This blog is not meant as a tribute to Matthew Christopher DeSmidt and this certainly isn't to toot my own horn. But when some of the things that always went my way in life turned and began to go poorly I felt like Jonah. This week I'm beginning to feel more like Joseph.
Some of my circumstances are still grim and will remain grim for some time. But some of the every day things of life and started to turn around. My job outlook in looking very positive. I may be getting a new job and my current job can become my secondary job. In my current job I have had a great week and started to be rather productive. Socially, things have just taken a turn. It's almost like people actually enjoy being around me again.
I can only come to one conclusion. When we obey God we will be taken care of. There are some posts already scheduled on the subject of obedience my blog list already goes through the rest of August, but I thought I would put up a current blog of my progress.
I think that's the difference between obedience and disobedience.
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