1) Dependent
2) Submission
3) Enduring
The Fruit of our relationship with Jesus
1) Love
2) Obedience
Now that we are caught up from yesterday with "the list" let's move forward.
Based on these five criteria how would you rate your love for Jesus?
I gotta be honest. (Like that's on problem with this blog.) Dependent and submitting on God. Alright. I don't like that and I know it's hard to do, but OK. But enduring? I don't like that at all. I'll get back to that in a second.
And my fruit is supposed to be love. OK, I cant definitely handle that. I have no problem loving God. But then it was explained to me that the primary way we show our love is through obedience. Yeah, see now I have a problem again.
So to become more in love with Jesus I have to obey him and endure? I always wanted to believe that it was how much I prayed or how passionate I was in worship. I always thought that my love for Jesus was too hard to measure for myself and I always wondered what else I could do. Now I've been told - endure and obey.
Coming off of the personality blogs a few days ago, I now have to come back to them. As already stated I am a Wind. I come and go when I please. I am random, but when I decided to come in, I come hard. I asked the question in that series of postings whether or not I needed to change my personality. OBEY and ENDURE tell me that I have to. Those are two of my least favorite words as a Wind because it shows consistency and that means that even when I don't want to I have to. Again, as a Wind, I don't like that.
But it's true isn't it? To love Jesus we must depend on him, right? Cuz if we don't depend on him we depend on something else and that doesn't make him Lord and King and Master of our lives, does it? We must submit for the same reasons as well, right? And I guess we have to endure through all of the good time and the bad times. It's easy to love someone or something when everything goes well. It's easy to stay with a company when it's making record profits and we are benefitting from that, isn't it?
And so to show our love we must obey. If Jesus is going to ask/tell me (funny how God can work that out) to do something and I don't do it, it's like spitting in His face. I'm not obeying his commands.
So how are in love with Jesus are you now that you compare your live to these five criteria?
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