Monday, August 31

Focus on This (Trust) pt 2

Jesus is asked what the greatest commandment is. Jesus responds in Matthew 22 to love God and love people. Today, we will focus on the first aspect of loving God.


I think that one of the hardest things for us to do is trust God. Yet, that is one way in which we show our love for Him.

Jesus says himself that we need to have faith like a child. Let's look at how a child acts. A child is completely dependent on its mother and/or father. The baby looks for food from the parents. A child looks for comfort from parents. The baby looks for attention and care. Children often believe until a certain age that his/her mom/dad can do anything. "Mommy, can you make it stop raining?" "My dad can beat up your dad!" "Daddy, why is the sky blue?" Mom, can you make the pain stop?"

We think our parents are our answer for everything. Yet, the One who has every answer and can take care of every need gets ignored. If Jesus wants us to have faith like a child then maybe this is kind of what it looks like. We need to start trusting Him for more.

Let's get a bit more practical (though I honestly don't think that was impractical advice.) Too often we don't trust God because, quite frankly, we don't have patience. We take the first job possible because we can't believe that God will get us a better one. We want to do things our own way and at our own time. We find ourselves with the wrong guy or girl and it's too late to get out, or so we think, because we couldn't pass the first one in line because we didn't trust the Maker of all things to find us a suitable partner. We get tired of being at the church we're at because it's too boring for us, even though God is about to do great things, but we just can't wait because we just can't trust Him.

I think trust and patience go a little hand in hand. We don't trust because we just don't like God's timing. But this is one important way that we must show our love for God. We must trust Him. It's too important not to.

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