Sunday, September 6


In most big transitions in life one can expect of a lot of changes. That's why it's called a transition. There is one thing that anyone entering a transition can expect - a rollercoaster.

Expect an down/up/down/up of emotions. Things will go well one day and horrible the next week. Then there will be a month of awesomeness and then another month where nothing goes your way and you'll want out for good. 

I write this because, as many of you know, this is my life right now. Every week is different. The month of August for me has been great but this last week hasn't been too great. I know that there will be times still to come that will be as hard, if not harder, than July was for me. But one thing I know is that despite of this emotional rollercoaster riding I will get through it.

Expect the rollercoaster. Not just in transition but in life. It will make everything easier. And DON'T quit. Make a rule for yourself in quitting. Do not quit until you have decided to quit for over 2 months. If for 2 months you still want to quit then go for it. But do not let your temporary emotions make the decision for you.

A rollercoaster lies before you. Enjoy the ride and remember that you are on a rollercoaster and there will be both ups and downs.

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