Today, we talk about history's favorite target of our rebellion: authority.
Yesterday, we talked about others' convictions against us. What if it is those in authority over us?
We love to talk about and rebel and discuss how we would change those in authority over us. Specifically, the government. We can never be happy about what they do, or say, or think. We always think we know better. We always think we can do better. Or else we think that we can act better over the one situation we are currently upset with.
The truth of the matter is twofold. The first is: It's true.
Let's not kid ourselves now. We are not all stupid, ignorant, worthless beings that cannot have think or hold and opinion and do not that the ability to make a decision. And, truth be told, we sometime our the expert in the situation we are thinking about. Truth be told, there are many different people (perhaps you are included) that can do a better job than whichever leader you have in mind.
The second truth is: Regardless, that person is not you.
While you may be the expert in your situation. For instance, if you live in Iowa or another flooded area right now, you are aware of the damage done and how the federal, state, and local governments can help you. You are aware of how they should help you. You can talk about how the bridge should have been raised 15 years ago. You can talk about how the levee should have been restrengthened 15 years ago. You can talk about how this and that should have happened differently. But, one thing you are not considering is that there are thousands and millions that have the same thoughts and opinions as you. As a leader, you much have all of this in mind when making a decision.
For me, this comes into play whenever I have to coach an athletic team. I have a desire to win - especially in a few select sports. But, I also have a desire to be fair, most of the time. Many times others become very upset about all sorts of things - playing time, playing ability, play calling, etc. While a person may be correct in what he/she is saying (and I acknowledge that I make bad decisions) this person is usually thinkly of only himself. Or she is only thinking of her and her closest few. As a coach, however, I have to think of the entire team and everyone involved.
The truth is, and I am realizing how long this is, is that all authority comes from somewhere. In the end, the ultimate authority is God and all authority is given through him. (See Romans 13)
This is why we live in a democracy. If you can do a better job then step up or shut up or be a positive help. If you have a problem, go through the proper channels instead of complaining to everyone around you. Instead of being a thorn, be a help and volunteer your help.
Again, it all comes do to the heart.
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