Have you ever met one of those people (you know exactly who I'm talking about to) that seem to NEVER have a bad day? In college, my friends and I referred to these people as "River people" and I'll just leave it at that. Some people just have this ability to always look at things optimistically while others struggle with this. And it seems like those optimistic people seem to always have something to be optimistic about.
Is there a secret I'm missing here?
I don't know how these people are able to do it, but I know that my life doesn't always look up. In fact, a lot of the time, my life doesn't look up. How can I change that? I feel like every time I hope and pray for something to happen, it doesn't. Now, I have no problem being optimistic that this transition of my life will end and things will be better and I can continue on with the rest of my life, but that doesn't change today does it?
Feel free to add some advice for me and others like me to help us to change the way we think, if that's what needs to happen that is.